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Hosted for the fourth time, Camel Trophy 2025 is ready to be held in Tanjung Lesung

The Indonesia Flying Club (IFC) is set to hold the Camel Trophy on May 4-6, 2025 in Tanjung Lesung, combining aviation and offroad with Land Rover. Indonesia is hosting the fourth of 11 global events.

Tanjung Lesung was chosen because it has a 25-year-old airstrip, a new hanagr, and plans to extend the runway to 800 meters. IFC also sees great investment potential, including aero villas.

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The 83.67km Serang-Panimbang Toll Road is targeted for completion in 2025, with Section 1 already in operation and Sections 2-3 under construction. The project cuts Jabodetabek-South Banten travel time to 1-2 hours and lowers logistics costs by 30%. This toll road is expected to boost economic growth and minimize regional disparities in Banten.
Tanjung Lesung SEZ, on the western tip of Java Island, is a flagship tourist area with government support for economic growth. The flagship project, a 5-star Eco-Luxury Hotel, offering views of the beach, mangroves and golf course, is 2.5 hours from Jakarta via the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road. Investors receive incentives such as tax holidays, tax allowances, and duty-free entry. Surrounded by iconic destinations such as Ujung Kulon National Park and Anak Krakatau, the area is attractive for tourism investment.
VAT DOES NOT INCREASE! VAT-free goods/services remain at 0%, 11% VAT remains unchanged, and 12% VAT is only for luxury goods (private aircraft, yachts, property >Rp30 billion, luxury vehicles). Stimulus 2025 remains in place, such as rice assistance, 50% electricity discount, MSME income tax exemption

tsunami gauge

The Tsunami Gauge is a tool designed to detect real-time changes in sea level, which is important in tsunami early detection systems.

With this tool, monitoring teams can receive fast and accurate information to issue early warnings, giving people in tsunami-prone areas more time to evacuate and save themselves.
For the Tsunami (TL), one unit of the early detection system (SDD) will be installed as a pilot project of a total of 100 Tsunami Gauges throughout Indonesia.

This tool does not require special training as data can be accessed directly from BMKG, with sensors and CCTV operating 24 hours. Official tsunami simulations have been conducted several times with BNPB, BPBD and related parties, making TL the standard model for Banten BNPB.

PLN UID Banten Presents SPKLU at Rangkasbitung Toll Gate

PLN UID Banten Inaugurates New SPKLU in Lebak PT PLN (Persero) UID Banten inaugurated the Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU) at the Rangkasbitung Toll Gate towards Serang-Panimbang to support the electric vehicle ecosystem and the promotion of environmentally friendly technology in Lebak Regency. Asda 2 Lebak, Ajis Suhendi, appreciated PLN's role in increasing the accessibility of electric vehicles. General Manager of PLN UID Banten, Andy Acha, said that this SPKLU added a total of 62 locations in Banten, integrated with the PLN Mobile application, making it easier for electric vehicle users. The presence of this SPKLU is expected to facilitate travel during Christmas 2024 and New Year 2025 while supporting the Net Zero Emission 2060 target.

Jabodetabek-Tanjung Lesung Only 2 Hours on Serang- Panimbang Toll Road

The Serpan Toll Road consists of three sections. Section 1 (Serang-Rangkasbitung, 26.5 km long) has been operating since 2021. Section 2 (Rangkasbitung-Cileles, 24.17 km long) is currently under construction with progress reaching 55.83%. Meanwhile, Section 3 is divided into two parts:

Section 3A (Cileles-Bojong, 17.46 km long) with progress of 68.19% and targeted for completion in 2024, and Section 3B (Bojong-Panimbang, 15.54 km long) which is still awaiting the start of construction. This project is targeted for full completion in August 2025. In addition, modern rest facilities are available at KM 70, and the Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU) has been inaugurated at the Rangkasbitung Toll Gate to support the convenience of road users.

Pemerintah tengah membangun Tol Serang-Panimbang (Serpan) sepanjang 83,57 km yang akan memangkas waktu perjalanan Jabodetabek-Tanjung Lesung dari 5 jam menjadi 2-3 jam. Tol ini berperan penting dalam mendukung pengembangan ekonomi di wilayah Banten Tengah dan Selatan serta memberikan akses lebih cepat ke destinasi wisata seperti Pantai Tanjung Lesung.

Minister of Finance @smindrawati finally answered the certainty regarding the 12 percent VAT rate. According to her, the increase in the VAT rate from 11 percent to 12 percent will still be carried out in accordance with the Tax System Harmonization Law (HPP Law). This means that the 12 percent VAT rate will take effect immediately on January 1, 2025.

The government has made it easier for foreigners to buy property in Indonesia with just a passport. In Tanjung Lesung SEZ, Banten, villa prices start at IDR 700 million. Foreigners can buy in their own name, free of luxury tax, without a minimum price requirement, and get a KITAS that can be upgraded to KITAP.

Tanjung Lesung SEZ offers villas in two clusters: Villa Kalicaa and Ladabay Village, with an area of 189 m2 to 535 m2. These villas can be used personally or rented out for passive income, with rental and maintenance services provided by Tanjung Lesung.

Awal 2024 dinilai momen tepat membeli villa di KEK Tanjung Lesung, seiring dengan rencana selesai Tol Serang-Panimbang pada akhir tahun. Pengembangan Tanjung Lesung sebagai kota wisata laut terbesar dekat Jakarta menarik minat kelas atas, berkat jarak 170 km dan udara segar. Villa di kawasan ini menawarkan tempat rekreasi, potensi sewa, kenaikan harga tanah, dan hunian pensiun.