news dan event



Serang-Panimbang Toll Road (83.67 km) completed in 2025, cutting Jabodetabek-South Banten travel time to 1-2 hours and reducing logistics costs by 30%, supporting Banten’s economic growth.


IFC will organize the Camel Trophy in Tanjung Lesung on May 4-6, 2025, combining aviation and offroad. Tanjung Lesung was chosen because it has a runway, a new hanger, and a planned 800-meter runway extension, as well as potential investment in aero villas.


The Serpan Toll Road consists of three sections: Section 2 (Serang-Rangkasbitung, 26.5 km) is operational, Section 2 (Rangkasbitung-Cileles, 24.17 km) is under construction (55.83%), and Section 3 (Cileles-Panimbang, 33 km) is targeted for completion in August 2025. Rest area and SPKLU facilities are available.


PLN UID Banten inaugurated the SPKLU at Rangkasbitung Toll Gate to support electric vehicles in Lebak. This SPKLU adds to a total of 62 locations in Banten and is integrated with PLN Mobile, supporting the Christmas 202, New year 2025, and Net Zero Emissions 2060 targets.


VAT DOES NOT INCREASE! VAT-free goods/services remain at 00%, 11% VAT remains unchanged, and 12% VAT is only for luxury  goods (private aircraft, yachts, property > Rp30 billion, luxury vehicles). Stimulus 2025 remains in place, such as rice assistance, a 50% electricity discount, an exemption from income tax for MSMEs <Rp500 million, a 5% interest subsidy and electric vehicle incentives. tax for justice and mutual cooperation.


PPN akan naik menjadi 12% pada 2025, menurut Kumparan. Sebagai solusi, ada promo hunian modern di Tanjung Lesung dengan bebas PPN 11% jika dibeli tahun ini. Lokasinya dekat pantai, bebas polusi, dan menawarkan suasana liburan setiap hari.  lebih lanjut.


KEK Tanjung Lesung menawarkan vila dalam dua klaster: Villa Kalicaa dan Ladabay Village, dengan luas 189 m2 hingga 535 m2. Vila-vila ini dapat digunakan secara pribadi atau disewakan untuk mendapatkan penghasilan pasif, dengan layanan penyewaan dan pemeliharaan yang disediakan oleh Tanjung Lesung.


badak loop &
rhino eco run 2024