The government has issued regulations that make it easier for foreign nationals to buy houses or apartments only with a passport. Considered by property observers, this regulation is able to make the property industry in Indonesia stretch. The minimum selling price of residential units for foreigners is set to vary by region, which is in the range of Rp 1 billion to Rp 5 billion per unit.
Buy housing without a minimum price
However, there are actually areas that have special advantages for foreigners to have housing, namely special economic zone (SEZ) areas. In this SEZ area, the benefits obtained by foreigners when buying property are more than in areas that are not SEZs.
For example, in the Tanjung Lesung SEZ, Pandeglang-Banten, which is growing rapidly. According to Poernomo Siswoprasetijo, President Director of Tanjung Lesung, Tanjung Lesung SEZ has a number of villas in beach resorts with varying selling prices. Starting from the range of Rp 700 million to above Rp 5 billion which can be purchased by local and foreign residents.
In this Tanjung Lesung SEZ, foreigners can also buy villas only with a passport, and get a KITAS (Limited Stay Permit Card) which can later be upgraded to a KITAP (Permanent Stay Permit Card). In addition, foreigners can own property in their own name – without having to marry a local, not having to be subject to luxury taxes, and without minimum prices as required elsewhere.
“That is, if you buy a villa in Tanjung Lesung, you don’t have to spend 5 billion (rupiah) to get the right to own a house in your own name. You can buy our property under 1 billion ( already get right to own a house),” said Poernomo Siswoprasetijo, at Menara Batavia, 2nd floor, Central Jakarta, recently.

There are two villa clusters available in Tanjung Lesung SEZ, namely Villa Kalicaa cluster and Ladabay Village. Where in Villa Kalicaa Resort there are 5 types with different areas, namely Villa Courtyard, Villa Beranda, Terrace, Fuji and Bora. Courtyard type villas have land areas of 189 m2 and 345 m2, while veranda type villas have an area of 420 m2 to 532 m2, Fiji type villas covering an area of 390 m2 and Terrace type villas covering an area of 386 and Bora type villas of 398 m2 to 535 m2. As for Ladabay Village villas, there are 3 types, namely Viria 1BR (bedroom, Viria 2BR and Tara 1BR.
Poernomo Siswoprasetijo, explained, the villa purchased can be enjoyed alone or become a homestay owner for passive income. Where Tanjung Lesung – one of the subsidiaries of PT Jababeka Tbk – provides rental and maintenance services. So that villa owners do not mess around for villa marketing or maintenance, and just wait for the money to enter the account every month.
2024, the moment of rapid growth of Tanjung Lesung SEZ
Currently, quite a lot of people have bought villas in Tanjung Lesung SEZ. According to Poernomo Siswoprasetijo, the beginning of 2024 is the right moment for villa buyers in Tanjung Lesung to anticipate the completion of sections 2 and 3 of the Serang Panimbang Toll Road. Because, with the target of completing the toll road to Tanjung Lesung by the end of 2024, it is estimated that the growth of the Tanjung Lesung area will grow rapidly and it is predicted that property prices will certainly rise.
“And also because Tanjung Lesung is being developed into the largest sea-based natural tourism city closest to Jakarta. This is to provide an alternative for Jakarta residents who are bored and want to travel in the beach area which has been the usual alternative, between Jogja or Bali quite far. So, it costs transportation and large distances, “said Poernomo Siswoprasetijo.
With a location that is only 170 km from Jakarta with fresh air, the reason many buyers from the upper class are now buying villas in the Tanjung Lesung SEZ. Because, besides being able to be an escape place with healthy air from Jakarta, it can be rented out, the potential for land price increases, and later can be used if you want to be used as a residence when you retire.
“Those (investors) who have bought may have imagined how comfortable it is to live in an area with healthy air and beautiful views of the countryside and beautiful nature,” said Poernomo Siswoprasetijo.
As for if you are interested in seeing villas and plots in the Tanjung Lesung SEZ, please visit the page on the or the official IG of the Tanjung Lesung SEZ at: @tanjunglesungid.